Online teacher training and community of practices
Digital tools for STEAM education and Makers pedagogy
November 2024 - June 2025

This long-term practical course will focus on the tools that are interesting to implement STEAM education, and will address the way to practically realize the activities of experimentation, analysis, understanding, modeling, simulation, and spreading.
It will include learning a symbolic programming language, implementation of methods of numerical computation, use of computer-based simulation and visualization, and geometrical computation.
After introduction sessions, this course will be project-based, with practical tasks to be done by attendees on a voluntary basis, and presenters will act essentially as coaches and tutors.

Follow this link to attend online sessions when scheduled.

Friday 15, November - First steps with the Wolfram Language

Objective of this session is that attendees will :
  • be able to use Wolfram Language on their computers (installation and licences issues solved),
  • be comfortable with the notebook user interface of Mathematica,
  • have a good idea of the main syntactic constructions of the language,
  • be prepared and motivated to continue reading the introductive book :

Friday 13, December - First steps with the Wolfram Language (cont'd)

Objective of this session is that attendees will :
  • be comfortable with the syntactic constructions of the Wolfram Language,
  • have a good idea of the different aspects of the language, and what can be accessed through it (computations, programs, algorithms, extensive databases)
  • be motivated to complete the reading of the introductive book :

Friday 17, January 2025 - Computational Graphics

Objective of this session is that attendees will :
  • be comfortable with some graphics functionalities of the Wolfram Language,
  • have a good idea of the benefit of using the language, when exploring projects involving graphics computations.
  • be motivated to develop a complete computational essay on one of the theme of this year MATh.en.JEANS research workshop involving graphics computations.

Thursday 27, February - Computational Graphics and Simulation

Objective of this session is that attendees will :
  • be comfortable with some programming functionalities of the Wolfram Language,
  • be able to explore by their own projects involving simulation and graphics computations.
  • be motivated to develop complete computational essays on the themes of this year MATh.en.JEANS research workshop involving graphics computations and simulation.

Friday 14, March - Computational Graphics and Simulation

Objective of this session is that attendees will :
  • be comfortable with more programming functionalities of the Wolfram Language,
  • get a good understanding the functionalities involving randomness and how they are implemented,
  • be able to explore by their own projects involving randomness in simulation,
  • be motivated to develop complete computational essays on the themes of this year MATh.en.JEANS research workshop involving graphics computations and simulation.

Wolfram notebooks are interactive documents.
Read or interact with Wolfram Language notebooks require either a licence of a Wolfram product or a specific Wolfram Player freely available.

Course material

  • November 15 - The first notebook that we have done together.
  • December 13 - The second notebook that we have done together.
  • January 17, 2025 - A notebook introducing graphics computations.
  • February 27, 2025 - A notebook about graphics computations and simulation.
  • March 14, 2025 - A notebook about randomness
  • MATh.en.JEANS - List of the themes of the 2024-2025 workshops